
Design and implement custom workflows that automate repetitive tasks, eliminate manual effort and reduce the chances of errors or delays.

DevStride's automation feature Creates custom workflows to automate tasks, minimize errors, and boost efficiency for streamlined operations.

Bye, Felicia.

Tired of dealing with repetitive and time-consuming tasks that drain your productivity? It's time to say goodbye to tedious workflows and embrace the power of automation. With DevStride's robust automation capabilities, you can bid farewell to those annoying processes that waste your valuable time and energy.

Bid farewell to annoying workflows

With DevStride, you can set up time-based automations that trigger specific actions at predetermined intervals. Whether it's sending out regular status updates, generating reports, or initiating routine tasks, the system takes care of them automatically, saving you from manual effort and ensuring timely execution.

Time-Based Automations

DevStride's time-based automations feature allows users to Set up scheduled actions for regular updates, report generation, and routine tasks, saving time and ensuring timely execution with automated efficiency.

Work Item Automation

DevStride's work item automation feature allows you to define rules and conditions that trigger automated actions based on specific events or changes in work items. For example, when a work item is assigned to a particular team member, an automatic activity can be initiated, such as sending a notification to inform them about the new assignment or updating the task status in real-time.

DevStride's work item automations feature Defines rules and triggers for automated actions based on work item events, enhancing productivity and real-time task management.

Custom Automations

Create automations for the way you want to work. With DevStride, increasing workflow is a breeze. Simplify heads up and hand-offs with event-based actions, streamline your team activities with triggers and break those silos with notifications - all with automations that work exactly the way your team needs.

Github Automation

DevStride seamlessly integrates with GitHub, enabling powerful automation capabilities. You can configure automatic activities based on events within your GitHub repositories. For instance, when a code commit is made, an automatic action can be triggered to initiate a process or notify relevant team members about the update. This integration streamlines development workflows and ensures smooth collaboration between technical and non-technical collaborators.

DevStride's GitHub automation feature allows Seamless integration for powerful automation, triggering automatic actions based on GitHub repository events, streamlining development workflows and enabling collaborative efficiency.

Oh-so-smart Automations

DevStride's AI functionality can take your workspace items to the next level. By leveraging advanced algorithms and machine learning capabilities, DevStride can analyze existing data points, such as task titles and notes, to generate accurate and detailed descriptions automatically.

DevStride's smart description automation feature Leverages advanced algorithms and machine learning to automatically generate accurate and detailed descriptions from existing task data points.

Automate that for goodness' sake.

DevStride's automations bring significant business benefits, including time and resource savings, error reduction, streamlined workflows, and scalability. By leveraging these automation capabilities, organizations can achieve greater efficiency, accuracy, and agility, enabling them to focus on strategic initiatives, drive customer value, and gain a competitive edge in the market.

Finally, workflow that works for you.

  • Save Time and Resources

    DevStride's automations free up time and resources by automating repetitive tasks, allowing teams to focus on high-value activities and maximizing productivity.

  • Reduce Errors

    Automations in DevStride minimize errors and ensure consistency by executing tasks accurately and consistently based on predefined rules, improving data integrity and operational efficiency.

  • Expedite Response Times

    DevStride's automations streamline workflows, trigger actions, and provide timely notifications, enabling faster response times, better collaboration, and improved project delivery.

  • Scale Automations

    DevStride's automation capabilities are scalable and adaptable, accommodating changing business needs and allowing customization of workflows to drive continuous improvement and future-proof operations.